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About us

Dear ladies and gentlemen

Our company focuses on the production of the buttons, buckles, endstoppers, and the other clothing accessories, and the processing of the plastic materials by the technology of the injection moulding.

The cold from the Southwest. (in the foreground part of the VD style, 2000)

Through our activity we continue in the more than hundred year lasting tradition of the production of the buttons in Studená. Among our customers there are mainly the producers of the female and male garments and the shirts but also the wholesale stores. We also offer our own plastic products while talking about the technology of the injection or the subcontracts of the plastic pieces for the other companies.

We are a traditional company and our products are suitable for the majority of the clothing categories among which are for example either female or male evening, leisure time, and sport garments, and the shirts.  

This relatively wide range of production is possible because we use different basic materials – from the polyester resin, to some natural or mixed materials such as  horn, Urea, Corozo, Mother of Pearl or metal. These materials are then formed into a large quantity of the patterns. We offer the sizes from 14" until 60".

The adjustment of the surface is very important. During the last years the high level of the shine effect has been preferred among our customers but we also offer semi – shine effect, the matte one or the combination of the shine and the matte effect. A wide range of the adjustments of the surface such as the antique brass, nickel, nickel matte, gold, gun metal etc. we provide at the metal products.

A separate section of the surface adjustment is the decoration of the buttons with the laser. We make various decorative motifs in accordance with our own collection but also the motifs that our customers wish us to do for them such as a logos, descriptions, etc.

Talking about the colours, the STYL has many of its own colour cards at its disposal and moreover we tend to colour according to our customer demand – either according to a fabric or to the international colour cards such as the Pantone is.

We prepare two collections every year which are offered to our customers at the occasions such as the Texworld in Paris or during the personal meetings.

We would like to follow the fashion trends and that way be prepared for the demanding requirements of the designers who are our decisive customers.

Both of those specializations of the production are described in a detail in a references the buttons and injection moulding.

Approximately 60% of our production has the customer in the Czech Republic and 40% finds its clients in Slovakia and in other European countries.

The business name:                           Styl, výrobní družstvo knoflíkářů
Registered office:                              181 Druzstevni Street, 378 56 Studena, District Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic
The company is registered in the commercial register kept by the regional court in České Budějovice, section Dr, entry 304
Extract from the commercial register  file  .pdf
Legal form:                                         Cooperative
ID:                                                        00028541
VAT registration number:               CZ00028541    Certificate of VAT Payer Registration  file  .pdf
Statutory authority:                          Managing Board of the cooperative
Object of the Business:                     Production, commerce, and services not mentioned in the annexes 1 to 3 of the Sole Proprietorship

 Management of the cooperative:

  • President of the Managing Board of the Cooperatice:       ing. Petr Bartušek
  • Head of the Production of Studená:                                        Vladinír Čech
  • Head of the Production of Nová Říše:                                    Zdeněk Fabeš