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Our offer of the buttons, buckles, and the haberdashery is designed to please the producers of the female and male garments and the dealers of the haberdashery stores.

Our buttons are made of a lot of different materials:

  • plastic, polyester, metal, and the combined ones
  • and in all the different ways (decorated with the laser, engraved, matt, polished, dyed to match, with holes, with shank etc.). 

Our customers are welcome to choose from diverse colours and designs from our colour cards and collections cards which are made to be presented during the meetings and sent to the customers after the call agreement.

We will provide you all the details about the information already mentioned if you are interested in our services.  

Styl Studená - knoflíky Styl studená - knoflík Styl Studená - knoflíky Styl Studená kolekce knoflíků

  Production of buttons:

  • production of semi-finished buttonholes centrifugal casting
  • technology of wet polishing buttons and buckles of various types

Polyester casting rods
 Odlévání polyesterových tyčí

Production of semi-finished knobs

Výroba polotovarů knoflíků Výroba polotovarů knoflíků Výroba polotovarů knoflíků Výroba polotovarů knoflíků

Working buttons

Opracování knoflíků Opracování knoflíků Opracování knoflíků Opracování knoflíků

Polishing buttons

Omílání knoflíků

Expedition buttons

Since 1998 – the every year repeated verification by an ecological auditor who validate, together with  a certificate, that the STYL manufactures the products such as the BUTTONS, BUCLKES and the small – sized HABERDASHERY ITEMS with the use of an environment – friendly technologies and currently meet all environmental requirements for textile accessories.
Certifice 2014_15 - file  .pdf

It is possible to obtain our goods in the following ways:

  • Either you may get the order from the selling store which is opened every day from 6:00 until 14:00
  • or you may send the cash on delivery in
  • or you may have your order with the grant in 4 or 5 weeks (depends on the ordered article).

If you are interested in the small amounts, which are available in our selling store, we always have packages of 100 pieces for each kind, size, and colour of our goods. If you have an order, we kindly recommend you to talk about it with us in advance because it could be more complicated, if the goods are not available in our selling store.

We also kindly ask you to read carefully all the information which you can find at each of our products and indicate the numerical sigh (for example U – 6456), the size (for example 32), the colour shade (for example 1011), and the finish – polished, non – polished, matt, etc.

How to find the right size:

a - the buttons with the vround shape -diameter
b - the buttons with the ellipse shape and the irregular shate - the biggest size (the longer axis)
c - The buttons with the square and rectangular shape - the length of the diagonal

Size 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Dimens. mm  8.89 10.16 11.43 12.70 13.97 15.24 16.51 17.78
Size 30 32 36 40 44 48 54 60
Dimens. mm  19.05 20.32 22.86 25.40 27.94 30.48 34.29 38.10